Our Planet Marketing how I can help you

can our marketing services benefit you?

Are we the right marketing consultants for your business or destination? Let’s find out…

Do any of the following statements resonate with you?

  • I need help to develop my brand and logo
  • What marketing channel should be a priority for my business?
  • How do we grow brand awareness for our business or destination?
  • How do I write a marketing plan? Do I really need one?
  • What social media should I use and how do I do it?
  • I need a new website – but where do I start?
  • Who can help me create a content plan and promotional ideas?
  • How do I start doing my marketing myself – and doing it better?
  • What marketing tools should I use – which are best?
  • How do I incorporate sustainability into my business and marketing?
  • My marketing is all over the place and I don’t know where to start
  • I don’t have the time or skills for marketing…
  • I need marketing assistance, but I don’t have, or want to employ, a full-time marketing person or team
  • I want some help with my marketing, but I only have a small budget

If any of the above sound like you, or how you are feeling about your marketing, then Planet Marketing can help you – regardless of how big or small your business, destination, or budget is.

How We Work With Our Clients

To start with, all our clients receive personal services tailored to their specific needs. We don’t sell gimmicky products or any fluffy stuff. Planet Marketing provides you with hands-on, practical marketing advice and marketing consulting services – traditional values and honest, open communication. We provide genuine impartial advice to help you maximise your marketing efforts, and to increase your brand awareness and sales.

Step 1 – Free Marketing Review

An obligation-free initial Strategy Session is offered for free to interested businesses – this is done face-to-face (in Brisbane), over the phone or via online video (Zoom) and usually takes up to 45 minutes. For more details see the Free Strategy Session page.

Step 2 – Marketing Consulting Options

Based on the outcomes of the initial marketing review discussion, you can select from the following options if you decide to proceed further:

  1. Our Marketing Kick-Start Package offers an affordable option to get your marketing started, with a DIY marketing action list
  2. A Marketing Strategy Plan provides more detailed strategic marketing direction, objectives, and action plans for your business
  3. Or if other marketing services are identified as required, a detailed quote is prepared to meet the needs and budget of your business

Once the option or quote is agreed to, work commences on a per project, hourly, weekly, or monthly basis as agreed.

Please Contact us to discuss how we can bring benefit to your business. We look forward to hearing from you.

Key Services

If the marketing service you’re looking for isn’t mentioned, please Contact us to see if we can help.

Naturally better marketing – A natural strategy for growth.